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Friday, May 16, 2014

IT Services in Ludhiana

Company Name : Webrosoft Solutions Pvt Ltd
Location/Registerd Office: Ludhiana

Thursday, March 20, 2014


Move over stack ranking — the system of appraising employees in comparison to others. It appears to be falling out of favour with certain organizations globally, given the high attrition rate that usually follows the review process. What's new in this field is a 'check-in' review system that is a simple and transparent method of appraising managers based on how they have met their targets on an ongoing basis.

Microsoft has done away with stack ranking and so has Adobe, even though most organizations still continue to follow the traditional method of appraising employees. On the other hand, there are others like HCL Technologies that are designing new ways of rewarding high performers before time. HR industry experts believe IT companies are taking such challenges head-on because they have the most to lose. "These changes will encourage greater speed, creativity and teamwork to help us bring innovation to market faster and better serve our customers," said Rohit Thakur, head of human resources, Microsoft India.

At Adobe, the whole philosophy of performance management changed because the organization transformed from a traditional packaged software company to a cloud solutions provider. Two years back, Adobe also used to stack-rank employees. So, for example, if there were 100 employees, they would be ranked from one to 100 in comparison to the peers. "It was a rearview process of looking back one year on how the year was and we would compare our employees with each other to arrive at compensation decisions. We realized we were not really helping people improve their performances or helping in their career objectives. Additionally, we want that our systems and processes to help us retain our talent and keep them engaged (instead of them being dejected and choosing to leave)," said Jaleel Abdul, senior director, HR, Adobe Asia-Pacific.

Adobe has brought in the new check-in system of appraising employees, which it believes is more dynamic. "Check-in encourages team work and collaboration. There is no relative comparison of one against the other. In an innovation-driven organization, it is the collaborative team effort that is required to succeed," said Abdul.

Check-in works on three parameters of goal-setting, feedback and growth. "This way, we have been able to create a clear line of sight between company's goals and the individual's objective. We have only removed the de-motivating factor for the individual where they were ranked against each other," said Abdul. As a result of this shift, Adobe's voluntary attrition is said to have gone down and there is a saving of 80,000 hours of managers' time a year.

Among companies that stack-rank employees, there is a move to stagger the quantum and timing of employee rewards. At HCL Technologies, employees in the top 30% are rewarded three months sooner and also substantially higher than in the past, whereas those in the bottom 30% get a lower quantum in review, and are rewarded three months later.

The company works with the underperformers, closely shaping a development and improvement plan over the next performance period. In individuals, where there is a marked improvement in performance, the company releases an equivalent quantum of the reward that was withheld for the following year, said Prithvi Shergill, chief HR officer, HCL Technologies.

Girish Khare, director (sales & marketing), Grass Roots India, a global performance improvement agency, said the whole performance reward and recognition structure has become complicated with the existence of three generations — the baby boomers, gen X and gen Y — in a single organization, each with its own aspirations. Source : ET